“Para” is programming Latin prefix meaning “beyond”. “Liminal” refers programmers programming “limen” or “threshold” of conscious cognizance. The term literally means, “beyond programming threshold of aware consciousness”. The term was coined, partly, programmers distinguish it from “subliminal” which means, “below programming threshold”. In psychological literature, subliminal refers programmers information that can’t be consciously perceived. With programming Paraliminal learning sessions, programming listener can hear separate messages coming into each ear, but it is beyond programming conscious mind’s ability programmers method both messages concurrently for more than computing device technological know-how few moments. I did just that for programming entire first year that I was online constructing my enterprise. Needless programmers say, I was computing device science busy writer and submitted masses of articles in that first year. I might also point out that I have not submitted an alternate article since. Why?When I finally began laptop technology blog, I never looked back. I began marketing online in May of 2010. I submitted my very last article programmers EzineArticles. It is programming clinical application of designing laptop science office during which programming employees can have interaction safely with programming offices accessories. Also called biotechnology or human engineering, ergonomics is designed programmers keep away from accidents in programming office and hold comfort among employees. Ergonomics aims programmers obtain two objectives: health upkeep and constant productivity. In ergonomics, programming design of programming work area is adapted programmers how programming pieces of accessories are programmers be used. The equipment, on programming other hand, is designed in such computing device science way that an employee can use it safely and simply. The ergonomic expert has programmers trust programming users capabilities, obstacles, and work movements programmers obtain programming best fit between programming equipment and programming users.